We see the tree planting technique used - and we watch as professional crews apply Root Rescue...
Root Rescue’s Transplanter puts life back into soil – but not all soil types are the same. Poorly draining heavy clay soils and free-draining sandy or loamy soils require different planting techniques. Be sure to ask a nursery professional at your garden centre about the best way to plant in the soil type in your yard. Once you have that advice, you’re ready to go. Transplanter works in all soil types.
Safe and easy to use, Transplanter is recommended whenever you plant new trees, shrubs, evergreens, or perennials. Mixing is simple; add 1 teaspoon of powder to a 2 gallon watering can – fill it up with water. Or for bigger jobs; add 1 tablespoon of powder to a 5 gallon Pail - and you’re ready to go. If you leave the solution standing for more than 5 minutes – simply give it a quick stir before applying.
When planting a container grown plant, carefully remove it from the pot and place it in the planting hole. If there are any roots circling around the root ball – be sure to open them up and spread them out – this will give the roots a chance to move out into the new soil. Apply the Transplanter solution to the roots. Now firmly pack planting mix around the roots and saturate it with the solution. For deeper plantings firm-in and saturate each layer of back-fill with more solution until you reach the soil surface. In brief, instead of using plain water when you plant, simply use the Root Rescue Transplanter solution. Once you've finished, rinse out the watering can with clean water. That’s it – you’re done.
Because Transplanter is mixed in water, it can also be applied after planting. Mix the solution and slowly soak it into the ground around the plant. Use the same technique that you would use if you wanted to deep water any plant in your landscape. The beneficial ingredients in the Transplanter solution will be carried with the water into the entire root zone of the plant where they can go to work immediately; simple and easy.
The beneficial soil fungi in Transplanter will go to work immediately - and as your new plant grows, the benefits will continue for the entire life of the plant. Root Rescue’s Transplanter contains millions of natural-sourced beneficial fungi called mycorrhizae. These amazing fungi will find extra water and nutrients in the soil that the roots alone cannot access, helping your new plant to adapt to your garden, keeping it stronger, healthier and more self-sufficient in the weeks and years ahead.
After planting day, use organic products to feed and care for your new plants:
Please speak with a nursery expert at your favorite garden centre for more advice about caring for your landscape plants without the use of synthetic fertilizers or chemicals. If you’d like to use a synthetic fertilizer, you can – but only use Slow Release formulations.
Thanks again for using Root Rescue's Transplanter.
Because Transplanter mixes easily in water you can also use a hose-end, dial type applicator to apply the solution. This is a very quick and efficient way to apply Transplanter MS-CS. For step-by-step instructions – please click here
If you are planting a Balled and Burlapped tree, or a Wire Basket tree, there are some important planting techniques that you should know about - click here for more information
If you operate a Landscape Trades Business of any kind, you can deal with Root Rescue B2B. Contact us today
Contact Us TodaySummer Planting with Root Rescue Transplanter
We see the tree planting technique used - and we watch as professional crews apply Root Rescue...
We see the tree planting technique used - and we watch as professional crews apply Root Rescue...
We see the tree planting technique used - and we watch as professional crews apply Root Rescue...
We see the tree planting technique used - and we watch as professional crews apply Root Rescue...
Root Rescue products put life back into the soil; restoring and nurturing the natural beneficial soil organisms that
View More DetailsRoot Rescue products put life back into the soil; restoring and nurturing the natural beneficial soil organisms that
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