Well, the long wait is over. Root Rescue's new Transplanter is packed and ready to go!
In looking out my window, I'm not sure if spring has arrived or not. It seems like we've missed winter altogether until now - but I'll tell you what is here (after 12 years of planning, research, and a very long regulatory journey) Transplanter - that's what. Root Rescue's new mycorrhizal inoculum for trees, shrubs, evergreens, and perennials has just rolled off of the packaging lines - and it's ready to go to Garden Centres and Landscape Contractor Depots all across Canada.

So stay tuned - we'll be reaching out with our message of new organic options for all landscapes. We'll be updating our brand new shiny website with information about mycorrhizal science and the easy new options for going green in your yard, your workplace, and in parks, roadsides and schoolyards. The time to switch to Organics is here, and we at Root Rescue will be bringing you more new, easy to use innovative products for sustainable growing in the near future.
It's all good.
Bob Reeves