Today I applied Transplanter to the roots of two quince trees before planting. The free sample pack allowed me to test the process for the first time. I will soon purchase a larger package to make a followup application on the quince and initial application on the next trees, berries and vegetables. With the clear and complete website information I approached the planting with confidence that the trees will be firmly rooted. Thank you, Bob.
I was skeptical when my sister told me of this product. Then I transplanted pepper seedlings into bigger containers and forgot to use it on a handful… when I was planting them in my garden two weeks later, the ones with Root Rescue had tons of new root growth while the others had barely any… I was sold at that moment. I use it on everything now! Highly recommend this product.
900 Gram Root Rescue Transplanter (Free Shipping)
Huge difference in leafing out after transplanting 40 bare root trees,1 - 5 foot, compared to similar bare root trees planted 2 weeks earlier without Root Rescue!
Last year we used Root Rescue in our plantings and follow-up waterings of many berry bushes and our veggie gardens (except blueberries and cabbage family, which do not like R.R.). We had our best harvest ever, and the bushes are doing really well. This year we’ve done more plantings and so far everything is looking super healthy and hearty again, more than any previous year with our usual organic/composting/mulching/ramial wood chips/biochar methods. Thank you for helping us co-create even more than before with Mother Nature!
Christina Anderman, Killaloe, Ontario, Canada